Hi yes hello
This is my website which I finally updated welcome
You may know me from my YouTube channel where I have just over 1.1 million subscribers.
Which is something I never thought I’d get to say, so that’s cool.
This is my website which I don’t really use for all that much other than to post some cool and/or useful things and stay connected with all of you through my email list (which, ho hey how bout that, is conveniently listed below)
Thanks for being here. Be sure to check out the YouTube channel maybe even my Instagram if you’re feeling a lil crazy. In the meantime, just to your left we have a geometric edit of a picture of me jumping on a mountain. This took me some number of minutes to edit in Photoshop, please enjoy.
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To get additional info from my videos as well as supplemental PDFs, sheet music and even some behind-the-scenes content!
I’d love to stay connected and tell you about what I’m working on from time to time. Feel free to use the form below to sign up if you’re interested. No worries if not, though. I appreciate you anyways…
I mean you’re wrong, but I still love you.